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Administrative Procedures

Resultados de la búsqueda

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Resultado de la búsqueda
Procedimientos/ServiciosCódigo SIATramitación Telemática
Modelo 173. Declaración informativa sobre operaciones con monedas virtuales 3029265 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
01.- Assigned Taxes analysis website. Report by Community (accesible version) 995018 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
02.- SIECE data system. Inspectorate General. 993321 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
03.- SIECE data analysis portal. Inspectorate General. 993322 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
04.- SIECE inspection system. Inspectorate General. 993323 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
05.- Annual Report of Delegations. General Inspection. 993324 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
06.- Data system for taxes made over to the ACs. 993325 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
07.- Portal for analysis of taxes made over. Report by Autonomous Community. 993327 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
08.- Portal for analysis of taxes made over. Comparative report. 993326 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
09.- Data system for net revenue from AC taxes. 993354 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
10.- Portal for analysis of net revenue from AC taxes. 993355 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
11.- Management Indicators for taxes wholly Transferred to the autonomous region authorities. 998675 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
13.- Follow-up of plans of Objectives 223861 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
14.- Strike Monitoring System 201211 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
16.- DaTEA Court Data System. General Inspectorate. 203072 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
17.- TEAR Data Analysis Website. General Inspectorate. 203073 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Abridged Tax Management sanctioning procedure. 992905 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
AC Entity Seal Certificates Representation 3036692 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Access to archives and registers and obtaining copies of files whose auditing has been completed. 998058 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Access to data in the Cadastre 180061 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Access to files and records and obtaining copies of concluded contracting and wealth liability proceedings. 998063 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Access to files and records and obtaining copies of concluded Customs and Excise actions. 998033 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Access to files and records and obtaining of copies of concluded proceedings for a declaration of prescription of the right to refund. 998062 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Access to files and records and obtaining of copies of concluded proceedings for complaints and suggestions before the Taxpayer's Ombudsman. 998119 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Access to files and records and obtaining of copies of concluded proceedings for standardising invoice certificate digitisation software 998084 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Access to files and records and obtaining of copies of concluded tax administration proceedings. 998045 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Access to files and registers and obtaining copies of concluded tax collection files. 998029 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Accounting for credit withholdings and obtaining the withholding certificate. 992025 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Accounting Responsibility Procedure 1985037 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Accreditation of compliance with the prerequisites for procurement based on framework agreements and dynamic purchasing systems of the DGRCC [Directorate General for Rationalisation and Centralisation of Procurement]. 2083211 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Actions in the area of regional incentives 204779 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Administrative authorisations for certain exemptions on goods imports 998109 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Administrative declaration of the General State Administration as beneficiary of intestate assets 202580 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Administrative demarcations 181000 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
AEAT competence in mutual agreement procedures. 203507 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Allocation of Tax Identity Number (NIF) 201465 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Amendment of tax registry details 200986 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Appeal against penalties for breaches of Article 7 of Law 7/2012. 201612 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Appeal for reversal. Directorate-General for Cadastre 998228 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Appeal for review relating to procurement 3015971 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Appeal for review. Directorate General for Cadastre 998227 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Appeals against Law 39/2015 (Ley 39/2015) and special appeals. 998294 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Application for an electronic invoicing system. 997864 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Application for authorisation of a point-of-sale subject to extra charge. 991508 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Application for Nullity 991590 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Application for occasional import authorisation 2402212 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Application for the termination of Tobacco Outlets 2408687 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Applications to customs authorities not included under other procedures 998481 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Appointment. 201477 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Approval of software for certified digitisation of invoices. 997811 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Approval of vehicles exclusively for industrial, commercial, agricultural, clinical or scientific use 998105 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Archive information. 991699 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Association to warehouse 997749 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Attached documents: EMCS / SIANE / Form 503 997386 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Attachment of bank accounts 998273 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Attachment of loans, bills and rights enforceable immediately or in the short term. 998276 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Attachment of securities. 998275 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Attachment of wages, salaries and pensions 998274 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Auctions of vehicles and other personal property 991600 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Audit and investigation inspection. 997815 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Audit procedure of the National Tax Management Office (ONGT) 2844309 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisation for Factories Subject to Excise Duties 998433 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisation for the temporary closure of official outlets. 993277 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisation of Bonded Warehouses 998435 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisation of cards for occupational diesel payment 998482 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisation of electronic certificates to access Tax Agency services 2717125 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisation of Registered Recipient of Excise Duties 998434 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisation of Registered Sender of Excise Duties 998436 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisation of Temporary Extensions for outlets. 171230 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisation of the collaborating organisations to carry out VAT refunds under the passenger system 998110 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisation to establish the VAT taxable base using the overall profit margin under the special scheme for second-hand goods, art objects, antiques and collectible objects. 998107 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisation to file a joint VAT declaration corresponding to different taxpayers 998106 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisation to use high-speed craft 1998067 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisations related to invoicing and registers 998104 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisations. Applications for valuation plans for management and general administrative expenses attributable to permanent establishments. 997866 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisations. Application for expenses plans related to environmental action. 997861 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisations. Application for special amortisation plans. 997862 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisations. Application for special investment and expenses plans for Communities that are Holders of Common Land Mountains. 997863 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisations. Application for special reinvestment plans. 997867 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisations. Application for temporary taxing criteria other than accrual 997865 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisations. Preliminary valuation agreements on non-cash income from personal work for the purpose of determining the corresponding Personal Income Tax account deposit 997825 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisations. Prior measurement or classification and measurement agreements concerning earnings generated from certain intangible assets. 201842 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisations. Prior valuation agreements between associated people 997824 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorisations. Prior valuation agreements for expenses corresponding to scientific research and technological innovation projects. 997821 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Authorised Economic Operator 997744 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Communities. Authorisations for debt operations. 687754 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Communities. Authorisations of sureties and other guarantees. 687755 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Communities. Average period of payment to suppliers. 962786 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Communities. Budgets 3055772 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Communities. Financing Fund for Autonomous Communities. 687779 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Communities. Financing of the Autonomous Communities. 3153494 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Communities. Fiscal and Financial Policy Council and related bodies 687796 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Communities. Health pharmaceutical spend 1017502 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Communities. Implementation of the rules on budgetary stability and financial sustainability 687760 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Communities. Inventory of the autonomous public sector. 993356 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Communities. Study and report on laws and draft budgets and measures. 687772 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Communities. Taxation by the Autonomous Community 3153448 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Regions. Change of relative figure of foral taxation operations. 997834 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Autonomous Regions. Foral tax regime inquiries. 997833 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Ayudas directas a empresas y profesionales especialmente afectados por la DANA 3156693 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Becas de formación en investigación para titulados universitarios 182420 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Bonded Warehouse Authorisation 998483 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Cargo manifests 997695 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Cash payment complaint 200985 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Census check. Precautionary removal from Monthly Refund Register (REDEME). 201552 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Centralised Signature Certificate (Public Sector) of the Royal Spanish Mint (FNMT) 2409977 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Certificados tributarios. Expedición de certificados tributarios. Renta no residentes. Modelo 296. Rentas declaradas para un perceptor. 998116 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Certificate of de minimis aid. 2962665 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Certificate of public employee with pseudonym Adm. Justice (Public Sector) of the Royal Spanish Mint (FNMT) 2409976 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Certificate of Representation of a legal entity from the Spanish Mint (FNMT) 991969 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Certificate of Representation of Entity with no Legal Status from the Spanish Mint (FNMT) 991970 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Certificates AC IT Components of the Royal Spanish Mint (FNMT) 235102 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Certificates. Issue of certificates of outstanding debt. 997817 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Certificates. Issue of certificates of succession of activity 997969 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Certificates. Issue of certificates of tax payments made - Self-assessments 997932 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Change of Location of official tobacco and stamp outlets. 175260 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Change of project location. Regional Incentives. 993317 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Change of project ownership. Regional Incentives. 172550 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Changes of less than 10% to projects. Regional Incentives. 172520 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Changes of over 10% to projects. Regional Incentives. 172510 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Check current status 998149 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Checking tax obligations 2264439 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Civic responsibility declaration proceedings 992007 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Cl@ve Registry Offices in other bodies. 202051 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Claim against the rejection of a request or complaint regarding web accessibility. 2328523 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Claim recruitment (Royal Decreto-ley 3/2020, of 4 february). 1161136 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Claims from third parties with a preferential right. 997826 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Claims prior to judicial actions, civil. 997827 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Claims, complaints and suggestions. 3156016 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Classification of companies 991580 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Collaboration Agreements 2242619 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Collection procedure with respect to heirs. 992006 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Communication of the retail prices and labelled, packaged and presentations of tobacco products 171210 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Communications between the parties and participants in cross-border tax planning mechanisms 2408732 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Communications to the Registry of Vehicles of the Spanish Public Sector 202912 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Comparison of electronic documents. 998290 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Competitions to fill job vacancies announced by the Department for civil service. 991867 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Complaints and Suggestions 2983002 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Complaints and suggestions filing. FNMT-RCM. 200233 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Complaints, suggestions or claims 3016729 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Comprobación Censal – Gestión y Control del Registro de Extractores de Depósitos Fiscales de productos incluidos en los ámbitos objetivos de los Impuestos sobre el Alcohol y Bebidas Derivadas o sobre Hidrocarburos 2987876 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Comunicaciones Ley 2/2023 de protección al informante. Canal externo 3016811 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Concurso de acreedores 3030225 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Consult code tables. 998266 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Consult Laboratory Bulletins. 998267 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Consult the applicable Integrated Tariff of the European Communities (TARIC) 998293 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Consultation of issued certificates. 202447 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Consultation of Point of Sale with Surchage 2074380 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Contabilidad de existencias de Gases Fluorados de Efecto Invernadero (desde 1 de septiembre de 2022) 2982571 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Contabilidad Impuesto especial sobre los envases de plástico no reutilizables 3014387 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Contracting within the Tax Agency 998286 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Contradictory expert appraisal by the Customs and Excise Department 998138 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Contradictory expert valuation of the inspection. 998144 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Control and Inspection Activities 1998424 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Control of filing of returns and self-assessments 998117 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Correction of errors 994796 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Creation of the publishing programme 201575 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
CT. Tax register verification of the index of organisations. 998103 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
CUARTA ayuda directa al transporte, Real Decreto-ley 5/2023 de 28 de junio (no beneficiarios devolución gasóleo profesional) 3021785 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs agent authorisation. 202486 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs and Excise audit verification and investigation procedure 998098 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs and Excise information requirement 997919 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs and excise sanctioning procedure 997836 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs formalities: Special agreements authorisation on shipments under 150 euros 2350826 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs formalities: Temporary export authorisation on returnable containers 2406221 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs office obligations: Authorisation for simplification in determining customs value 212233 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs office obligations: Authorisation for tax return through registry in the declarant's records 182830 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs office obligations: Authorisation of authorised banana weighers. 202443 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs office obligations: Authorisation of standard simplified declaration. 201292 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs office obligations: Central office authorisation. 202442 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs office obligations: Self-assessment authorisation 750553 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs representative. Reimbursement of unduly paid examination fees. 204668 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs status of the goods: Authorisation to issue proof of EU status to operators. 201291 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs status of the goods: Issue proof of EU status to maritime companies (manifests). 203654 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs status of the goods: Regular maritime services. 203655 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Customs surveillance information request 2447882 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Data verification / limited verification - Others 997982 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Data verification procedure by Excise Tax Management Offices 998099 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Data verification procedure for customs declarations. 202367 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Debt deferral and staged payments 992010 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Declaration of cadastral alterations to real estate properties 1320727 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Declaration of detrimental nature of voidable Collection decisions. 992900 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Declaration of detrimental nature of voidable Management decisions. 998038 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Declaration of ETR DAC3 information 1994414 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Declaration of harmfulness of cancellable Customs and Excise decisions. 998017 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Declaration of low value shipments (H7) up to 150 euros 2415043 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Declaration of Prohibition of Public Sector Contracting 206188 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Declaration of stocks of Greenhouse-Effect Fluorinated Gases. 201518 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Declaration of temporary deposit 992134 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Declaration of the detrimental nature of annullable Audit settlement. 998051 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Designation of a representative of the Intervención General de la Administración del Estado (IGAE) for the acts of material verification of the investment. 992017 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Devolución por ingresos realizados durante períodos suspendidos del Impuesto sobre el valor de la producción de energía eléctrica. Modelo 583 3056272 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Diplomatic bag 182750 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Directorate General for Taxes 998400 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Disciplinary procedure of employees of the General State Administration 1161402 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Disciplinary procedure of public servants of the General State Administration 1161247 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Discretionary Appeal for Reversal 991557 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Discretionary prior complaint to the Data Protection Officer of the State Vehicle Fleet, O.A. 3017142 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Disposal through sale/purchase of properties and real rights over properties of the General State Administration 287968 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Download statistical data for authorised bodies. 201479 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Economic-administrative appeal against Audit settlements 998122 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Economic-administrative appeal against Collection decisions 998124 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Economic-administrative appeal against Tax Management decisions. 998123 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Economic-administrative claim against Customs and Excise decisions 998121 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Economic-administrative claim against the declaration of prescription of the refund right. 998125 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Editorial Information 991981 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Ejercicio del derecho de protección de datos personales 3156015 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Electronic Contract Registration 991581 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Electronic Registration / General Submission 3156014 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Electronic transport document as a transit declaration (ETD) 1993256 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Emisión Canon concesional anual 2259801 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Enforcement procedure. 991998 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Entry summary declaration (ENS) 202445 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Envío de documentación por FOGASA 2945057 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Ex officio modification of the percentage of aid granted of less than 10%. Regional Incentives 204775 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Exchange of information on Business Activities Tax 998401 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise Taxes Register of beneficiaries of the diesel refund for professionals. 997692 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Agricultural diesel. Application for refund agricultural diesel 997840 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Annual list of kilometres covered 997876 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Artisan distillers for refund of excise tax on alcohol and alcoholic beverages 991942 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise Taxes. Authorisation. Denaturing at destination of alcohol received in cases of intra-Community circulation. 182010 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Denaturing for bioethanol in the event of applying the tax rate to biofuels 997822 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Denaturing of imported alcohol at destination 182020 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Destruction and denaturing of tobacco products 182150 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Exemption from issuing an accompanying document for the movement of products through permanent pipelines 997898 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Exemption from notifying marking using automatic means 997823 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Incorporation of tracers and markers in the receipt of products from the Community, but not internal, by registered recipients, to apply the exemption 182060 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Introduction of biofuel into a Logistics Bonded Warehouse 997820 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Mixing of hydrocarbons with biofuels (Management Office) 997877 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Mixing of hydrocarbons with biofuels at several establishments (Management Centre) 997819 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. partial denaturing of alcohol with a general denaturant in the destination establishment 182000 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Provision of global guarantee 997901 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Return of mixed or contaminated products to the factory or bonded warehouse 182142 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Return of products to factory or bonded warehouse or their destruction due to being unfit for human consumption 997694 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Specific partial denaturants for alcohol 181990 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Authorisation. Submission of excise tax accounting records 997900 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Consignments of alcohol and alcoholic beverages from mainland Spain to the Canary Islands 997913 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise Taxes. Declaration of intra-community acquisition of biofuel mixed with conventional fuel destined for a factory or bonded warehouse. 998674 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Destruction 997839 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Excise tax intervention procedure 997930 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Form 504/505. Ruling on products subject to excise taxes from the European Union for non-registered operators, recipients under the guaranteed delivery system and tax representatives in the remote sales system 991938 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Form 523. Application of the refund benefit for excise tax on alcohol and alcoholic beverages 991941 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Form 571. Application of hydrocarbon excise tax refund benefit 182100 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Occupational diesel. Application for registration of beneficiaries/vehicles 997841 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Occupational diesel. Submission of supply lists 997902 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Refund for products unfit for human consumption 997687 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Refund of occupational diesel 997915 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Refund of unduly paid excise taxes 997904 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Refund of unduly paid taxes on retail sales of certain hydrocarbons 997903 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Refunds. Consignments of alcohol and alcoholic beverages from the Canary Islands and destined for the European Union 997690 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Refunds. For recycling and destruction of tobacco products 991944 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Refunds. Introduction of beverages, by artisan distillers, in alcoholic beverage factories 997691 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Refunds. Irregular intra-Community circulation 997838 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Refunds. Special tax refund for mixed or contaminated products returned to Bonded Warehouse or to the manufacturer. 182141 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Registration in the coal tax register. 997899 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Registration in the excise tax register 997693 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Special IVMDH (taxes on retail sales of certain hydrocarbons) refund 998480 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise Taxes. Special refund due to the enforcement of the Excise Taxes. 997912 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise Taxes. Stock Ledger 997758 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Supply exempt from hydrocarbons used in electricity production, rail transport, construction, modification, testing and maintenance of aircraft and vessels, and in injection in blast furnaces 182080 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Supply of exempt products within the framework of international relations 181820 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Supply of exempt products. NATO armed forces 181830 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Excise taxes. Use of the products included in Art. 46.2 Customs Taxes Act (LIE) and the hydrocarbons included in Art. 42.3 as fuel 997914 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Exercise of rights regarding personal data protection. 703379 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Exercise of rights regarding personal data protection. 3017140 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Exercise of rights regarding personal data protection. 3015970 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Exit summary declaration (EXS) 202446 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Ex-officio modification of the percentage of aid granted greater than or equal to 10%. Regional Incentives 204776 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Expert valuation contradicting Tax Management 998139 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Export 998044 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Extension of project period. Regional Incentives. 172560 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Extraordinary appeal for revision. 991592 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Extraordinary review appeal against an Intrastat penalty resolution 274453 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Filing of a claim on tax issues with the Arbitration Board of the Economic Agreement with the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country 3013923 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Filing of appeals, procedural issues or suspension requests with regard to the processing of Economic-Administrative appeals 998151 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Filing of Economic-Administrative Appeals among individuals 998150 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Filing of invoices for payment and other documents related with the payment of invoices. 201664 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Filing of Pleadings 998152 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Financial control of national subsidies and grants. 999118 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Follow-up to the action Plan of Digital Transformation 277068 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 030. Tax register of parties liable for tax payments-Declaration of registration, change of address and/or variation in personal data in the tax register. 996979 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 038. Information Return. List of transactions carried out by organisations registered in public registers. 997262 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 043. Gambling duties. Bingo halls. Settlement request. 997267 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 044. Gambling duties. Gambling establishments. 997258 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 045. Gambling duties. Machines or automatic devices. Return-settlement. 997263 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 05. Prior recognition of certain cases of inapplicability, exemption or reduction of the Car Registration Tax . 997259 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 06. Excises on certain means of transport. Exemptions and non-application without prior recognition. 997260 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 100. Personal Income Tax. Annual tax return 992806 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 111. Withholdings and payment on account. Work income and income from economic activities, prizes and certain capital gains and income allocations. Self-assessment. 992747 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 113. Notification with information about capital gains due to a change of residence to another member state of the European Union or the European Economic Area with a tax information exchange system. 203021 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 115. Withholdings and payment on account. Income or yields from the leasing or sub-letting of urban buildings. 992749 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 117. Withholdings and payments on account of income tax, corporation tax and non-resident income tax. Income from the transfer or reimbursement of shares or holdings in Unit Trust Institutions y de las transmisiones de derechos de suscripción. 992750 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 121. Personal Income Tax. Deductions for large families or those caring for people with disabilities. Notification of assignment of right for deductions by taxpayers not obliged to file a tax return 215994 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 122. Personal Income Tax. Deductions for large families, those caring for people with disabilities, or for single parents with two children that are legally separated or not married. Regularisation of right for deductions by taxpayers not obliged to file a tax return 215995 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 123. Withholdings and payments on account of income tax, corporation tax and non-resident income tax (permanent establishments). Certain income from liquid capital or certain income. 992774 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 124. Withholdings and payment on account. Income and yields from liquid capital derived from the transfer, depreciation, reimbursement, swapping or conversion of any type of asset representative of the raising and use of borrowed capital. 992775 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 126. Withholdings and payment on account. Income from liquid capital is obtained from the consideration derived from accounts held at all types of financial institutions. 992777 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 128. Withholdings and payment on account. Income or yields from liquid assets stemming from capitalisation transactions and life or invalidity insurance contracts. 992778 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 130. IRPF (Personal Income Tax). Companies and professionals taxed under the direct evaluation system. Instalments. 992780 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 131. IRPF (Personal Income Tax). Companies and professionals taxed under the objective evaluation system. Instalments. 992781 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 136. Personal Income Tax and Non-resident Income Tax. Special tax on prizes in certain lotteries and bets. Self-assessed tax return. 201222 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 140. Personal Income Tax (IRPF). Deduction for maternity. Application for advance collection and notification of variations. 992797 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 143. Personal Income Tax (IRPF). Early payment of the rebate for large families, for a parent with two children or people with disability in their care. 202302 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 145. IRPF (Personal Income Tax). Withholdings on work income. Data notification to the payer. 997364 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 146. IRPF (Personal Income Tax). Pensioners with two or more payers. Request for calculation of withholding amounts. 997362 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 147. IRPF (Personal Income Tax). Notification of posting of employed workers to Spanish territory. 997370 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 149. IRPF (Personal Income Tax). Special system applicable to workers posted to Spanish territory. Notification of the option, waiver or exclusion. 997369 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 150. IRPF. Special regime for workers posted to Spain. (For taxpayers who opted for this regime before 1 January 2015) 997322 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 151. Income Tax Return for individuals under the special regime applicable to workers relocated to Spain. 203506 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 156. Information Return. Affiliate and mutual company member payments for the purposes of deduction for maternity. Annual summary. 997318 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 159. Information Return. Annual electricity consumption tax return 998719 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 165. Informative Declaration of individual certifications issued to partners or participants of new or recently created organisations. 201493 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 170. Information Return. Annual information return of operations performed by business people or professionals belonging to the system of payment collection by credit or debit cards. 998744 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 171. Information Return. Annual information return of deposits, withdrawals from funds and collections from any document. 998745 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 179. Quarterly informative declaration for transferring the use of property for tourism purposes 1994415 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 180. Information Return. Withholdings and payment on account. Income from urban building leasing. Annual summary. 992798 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 181. Information Return. Loans and credit, and financial transactions associated with property. 992799 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 182. Information Return. Donations and contributions received. 997319 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 184. Information Return. Organisations under the income allocation system. Annual return. 997371 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 185. Information Return. Monthly information return from the Social Security and Mutual Insurance Companies' management bodies and organisations. 997375 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 187. Information Return. Shares and stocks representing capital or assets of Unit Trust Institutions and annual summary of IRPF, IS and IRNR withholdings and account deposits in relation to income or capital gains obtained as a result of the transfer or reimbursement of said shares, stock or subscription rights. 997270 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 188. Information Return. Withholdings and payment on account. Income or liquid capital yields from capitalisation transactions and life or invalidity insurance contracts. Annual summary. 997271 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 189. Information Return. Securities, insurance and income. Annual return. 997269 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 190. Information Return. Withholdings and payment on account. Work income and income from economic activities, prizes and certain capital gains and income allocations. Annual summary. 992800 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 192. Information Return. Transactions with Treasury Bills. Annual return. 997599 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 193. Information Return. Income tax withholdings and payment on account in relation to certain liquid capital yields. Corporation tax and non-resident (permanent establishments) income tax withholdings and payment on account in relation to certain income. Annual summary. 992804 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 194. Information Return. IRPF, IS and IRNR (permanent establishments) withholdings and payment on account on liquid capital yields and income derived from the transfer, amortisation, reimbursement, exchange or conversion of any kind of assets that represent the securing or use of debt capital. Annual summary. 997598 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 195. Information Return. Quarterly return on accounts and operations in which the holders have not provided the Tax No. (NIF) to the credit institutions within the established deadline. 997600 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 196. Information Return. Annual summary of withholdings and payment on account for liquid capital yields obtained as consideration from accounts in all kinds of financial institutions. 997459 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 198. Information Return. Annual return on transactions with financial assets and other securities. 992805 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 199. Information Return. Annual return identifying cheque transactions with credit institutions. 997662 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 200. IS. Corporation tax and non-resident income tax. Payment or refund documents. (Form 200 & 206) 997800 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 202. IS. Corporation tax and non-resident income tax (permanent establishments and organisations under the income allocation system incorporated abroad with presence in Spanish territory). Instalments. 997620 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 210. IRNR. Non-resident income tax (without permanent establishment). 997601 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 211. IRNR. Non-residents income tax . Withholding in property purchases from non-residents without permanent establishment. 997602 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 213. IRNR. Non-residents Income Tax. Excises on real estate assets of non-resident organisations. 997604 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 216. IRNR. Non-resident income tax. Income obtained from sources other than a permanent establishment Withholding and payment on account (return - payment slip). 997663 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 217. SOCIMI special tax 212905 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 220. Corporation tax. Consolidated tax system. Payment or refund document. 997801 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 221. Public charges for converting deferred tax assets into credit payable to the Tax Agency. 223903 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 222. IS. Tax system for company groups. Instalments. 997622 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 226. Application request for the optional regime for individual taxpayers residing in other Member States of the European Union or the European Economic Area with a tax information exchange system. 203023 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 228. Application for rebates in the form of tax credits due to reinvestment in the main residence for taxpayers in the European Union and the European Economic Area with a tax information exchange system. 203022 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 230. Personal Income Tax and Non-Resident Income Tax: Withholdings and on-account payments of the special tax on prizes from certain lotteries and bets; Corporation Tax: Withholdings and on-account payments on prizes from certain lotteries and bets. Self-assessed tax return 201111 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 231. Information Return. Declaration of information country by country (CBC/DAC4) 213060 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 232. Informative return on related-party transactions and on transactions and situations relating to countries or territories classified as tax havens 687678 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 234. Informative tax return on cross-border mechanisms 2408412 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 235 Tax return with updated information on marketable cross-border mechanisms 2408413 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 236 Declaration of information on the use of certain cross-border tax planning mechanisms 2509738 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 247. IRNR. Non-residents income tax. Notification of employed workers' posting abroad. 997664 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 270. Annual summary of withholdings and on-account payments of the special tax on prizes from certain lotteries and bets. 201494 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 280. Annual information return for Long-Term Savings Plans. 203235 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 282. Annual information return on aid received in the context of the Canary Islands REF and other State aid, arising from the application of European Union law. 203505 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 289. Annual declaration of information on financial accounts in the field of mutual assistance. 213061 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 290. Annual informative statement on the financial accounts of certain United States citizens (FATCA). 202195 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 291. Information Return. Non-resident income tax. Accounts of non-residents without a permanent establishment. 997606 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 294. Information Return. Individualised list of clients receiving benefits distributed by Spanish Unit Trust Institutions, as well as those for which the commercialising organisations has carried out share or stock reimbursements or transfers. 997623 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 295. Information Return. Annual individualised list of clients that are registered as investors in Spanish Unit Trust Institutions, at 31 December of the financial year, in the cases of cross border commercialisation of shares or stocks in Spanish Unit Trust Institutions. 997624 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 296. Information Return. Withholdings and payment on account for non-resident income tax (without permanent establishment). Annual summary. 997625 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 303. VAT. Self-assessment. 997618 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 308. VAT. Special system for equivalence surcharge, Article 30 b, VAT regulations and occasional taxpayers. Request for refund. 992820 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 309. VAT. Tax return-non-periodic settlement. 992821 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 318. Adjustment of the tax proportions of the settlement periods prior to the start of trading 2250825 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 322. VAT. Groups of organisations. Individual form. Monthly self-assessment. 997619 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 341. VAT. Payment of compensation under the special VAT scheme for agricultural, animal farming and fishing activities. 992830 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 345. Information Return. Plans, pension funds and alternative systems. Mutual insurance companies, insured party insurance plans, individual systematic savings plans, company social insurance plans and dependency insurance. Annual return on participants and contributions. 997460 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 346. Information Return. Subsidies and compensation paid by public/private organisations to agricultural and livestock farmers. 997538 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 347. Information Return. Annual information return on transactions with third parties. 997539 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 349. Information Return. Recapitulatory return of intracommunity transactions. 992831 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 353. VAT. Group of entities. Aggregated form. Monthly self-assessment. 997502 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 360-Form 361. VAT. Procedure for VAT refunds to employers or professionals not established in the territory where the tax is applied. 992833 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 362. VAT. Request for reimbursement within the framework of diplomatic and consular relations and the international organisations recognised in Spain. (Article 10, section 3 of Royal Decree 3485/2000, of 29 December) 998012 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 363. VAT. Request for prior recognition of exemption within the framework of diplomatic and consular relations and the international organisations recognised in Spain. (Article 10, section 1 of Royal Decree 3485/2000, of 29 December) 997519 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 364. Value Added Tax. Request for the reimbursement of tax rates paid relative to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the International Headquarters of this organisation and the States participating in this Treaty (Art. 5 of Royal Decree 160/2008, of 8 February) 214039 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 365. Value Added Tax. Request for the preliminary recognition of the exemptions relative to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the International Headquarters of this organisation and the States participating in this Treaty (Art. 5 of Royal Decree 160/2008, of 8 February) 214040 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 368. VAT return for the special regimes for telecommunications, radio, television or electronic broadcasting services. 202440 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 369. One Stop Shop (OSS) system VAT tax returns 2844303 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 380. VAT. Operations related to imports 992854 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 390. VAT. Annual summary tax return. 992855 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 410. Interim payment of the Tax on Bank Deposits 202094 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 411. Tax on Deposits in Credit Entities 202562 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 430. Insurance premiums Return-settlement. 997721 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 480. Insurance premiums Annual summary tax return. 997718 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 490. Tax on Certain Digital Services. Self-assessment 2402101 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 506. Excise taxes. Application for refund for introduction into bonded warehouse 181870 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 507. Excise taxes. Application for refund in the guaranteed delivery system 184570 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 508. Excise taxes. Application for refund by the remote sales system 181880 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 510. Excise Taxes. Declaration of Operations of Reception from the Rest of the EU. 997321 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 511. Excise taxes. Delivery notes 997324 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 512. Excise taxes. Recipients of secondary tariff products 997323 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 521. Excise Taxes. List of starting materials delivered in the quarter. 998838 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 522. Excise Taxes. Quarterly report on products referred to in article 108 ter of the Regulation on Excise Taxes. 998673 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 524. Excise taxes. Refund application of alcohol and alcoholic beverages tax 991940 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 540. Excise taxes. Exempt provisioning aircrafts. Sales en route 997924 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 541. Excise taxes. Exempt provisioning of vessels. Sales en route 997926 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 542. Excise taxes. Exempt provisioning. Aircraft 997925 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 543. Excise taxes. Exempt provisioning. Dredging vessels and operations 997927 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 544. Excise taxes. Payments made by cheque or discount diesel cards 997500 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 545. Excise taxes. Fuel supplies for international relations with hydrocarbons tax refund 991937 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 546. Excise taxes. Provisioning of diesel to vessels with entitlement for hydrocarbons tax refund 182120 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 547. Excise taxes. List of payments made to discount diesel retailers 997501 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 548. Informative tax return on payments collected. 201358 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 553. Excise Taxes. Declaration of Operations in Factories and Bonded Warehouses for Wine and Fermented Drinks 997361 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 554. Excise Taxes. Declaration of Operations in Factories and Bonded Warehouses for Alcohol 997363 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 555. Excise Taxes. Declaration of Operations in Factories and Bonded Warehouses for Intermediate Products 997366 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 556. Excise Taxes. Declarations of Operations in Factories of Intermediate Products (Art. 32 Law 38/1992) 997367 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 557. Excise Taxes. Declaration of Operations in Factories and Bonded Warehouses for Derived Beverages 997372 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 558. Excise Taxes. Declaration of Operations in Factories and Bonded Warehouses for Beers 997373 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 559. Excise Duties. Tax on alcohol and alcoholic beverages. Artisan and harvester distilling schemes. 997907 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 560. Excise taxes. Electricity tax. 997376 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 561. Excise taxes. Beer tax 997377 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 562. Excise taxes. Tax on intermediate products 997378 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 563. Excise taxes. Tax on alcohol and alcoholic beverages 997379 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 566. Excise taxes. Tobacco products tax 997382 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 568. Tax on certain means of transport. Request for refund due to resale and shipments of means of transport outside the territory. 997526 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 570. Excise Taxes. Declaration of Operations in Factories and Bonded Warehouses for Hydrocarbons 997384 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 572. Excise taxes. Application for refund of hydrocarbons tax 182110 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 576. Excises on certain means of transport. Self-assessment. 997020 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 580. Excise Taxes. Declaration of Operations in Factories and Bonded Warehouses for Tobacco Products 997385 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 581. Return-Assessment. Hydrocarbon taxes 997381 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 583/588. Tax on the value of electricity generation. Self-assessed tax return and payment by instalments. 201287 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 584. Return Assessment. Tax on the production of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste from the generation of nuclear electric power. 201235 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 585. Tax on the storage of spent nuclear energy and radioactive waste in centralised facilities. Self-assessed tax return and payment by instalments. 201236 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 586. Information Return. Fluorinated Gases. 201517 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 587. Return-assessment of Greenhouse-Effect Fluorinated Gases. 201519 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 589. Tax on the value of gas, oil and condensation extraction. Self-assessment and payment by instalments. 204804 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 590. Excise taxes. Refund application for export or consignment 181860 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 591. Tax on the value of electricity generation. Annual return of operations with taxpayers. 202095 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 595. Excise taxes. Coal tax 997928 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 596. Excise Taxes. Annual declaration of Operations Performed. Coal Tax 997905 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 602. Fee for administrative management of gaming 2326402 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 604. Tax on Financial Transactions. Self-assessment 2366961 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 611. Information Return. Cash payments of the tax imposed on documents negotiated by collaborating organisations. Annual summary tax return. 997719 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 616. Information Return. Cash payments for tax imposed on the issuance of documents that involve the collection of a bill of exchange or are endorsable to order. Annual summary tax return. 997720 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 650. Inheritance and Gift Tax. Self-assessment inheritance tax return. 202532 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 651. Inheritance and Gift Tax. Self-assessment of "inter vivos" acquisition. 202647 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 655. Inheritance and Gift Tax. Consolidation of domain due to extinction of usufruct. 202527 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 681. Tax for providing radioactive waste management services as referred to in section 3 of additional provision six of Law 54/1997 (Ley 54/1997). 998419 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 682. Tax for providing radioactive waste management services as referred to in section 4 of additional provision six of Law 54/1997 (Ley 54/1997). 998420 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 683. Tax for providing services for the management of radioactive waste from the production of combustion materials, including the dismantling of manufacturing facilities. 998421 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 684. Tax for providing management services of radioactive waste generated in other facilities. 998422 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 685. Tax on bets and random combinations, self-assessment. 998423 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 695. Application for refund of the court fee. 201319 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 696. Fee for the exercising of jurisdictional authority in civil, administrative dispute and social orders (Court Fee). 997530 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 714. Wealth Tax. Tax return and payment document. 997540 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 720. Information Return. Information return on assets and rights held abroad. 201110 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 763. Self-assessment of the Tax on gambling activities in the cases of yearly or multi-year activities. 200231 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 770. Self-assessment of delay interests and surcharges for the voluntary regularisation provided for in Article 252 of the General Tax Act 2312271 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 771. Self-assessment of payments for concepts and financial years without available form in the Tax Agency e-Office for voluntary disclosure provided for in Article 252 of the General Tax Act 2299224 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 791. Customs representative: Presentation of application for admission to the tests. 204666 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 791. Public employment. Submission of applications for state exams. 997808 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 933. Information from Autonomous Regions on licensed child care centres and schools 2844305 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 980. Information on penalty interest paid to taxpayers by the Autonomous Regions. 2346775 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 981. Provision of information on maternity/paternity benefit 2072687 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 990. Monthly reports by the Autonomous Regions on large families or families with dependents with disabilities 202194 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 991. Information return on income obtained by leasing property 2824513 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 992. Gambling taxes transferred to Autonomous Regions 2844306 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 993. Control of tax deductions for autonomous communities. 201009 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 995. Transfer of Town Planning Information by Local Authorities. 998486 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 996. Attachment of refunds processed by the Tax Agency. 998320 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form 997. Seizure of budgetary payments by other Public Administrations. 998399 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Form for declaring voluntary bankruptcy (Bankruptcy Administrators). 200333 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Forms 515 and 517. Excise Duties Office. Request for tax markings to the Excise Tax Management Office 997326 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Forms 518/519/520. Excise taxes. Work declarations 997906 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Forms 600-610-615-620-630. Transfer Tax and Stamp Duty - Self-Assessment of the Tax (formalities with the Tax Agency: Ceuta and Melilla and other situations). 997018 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Free nomination 2844364 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Fund to support the solvency of strategic companies. 2404766 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
General complaints and suggestions for the Ministry of Finance and the Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise 991960 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
General review procedure. 998315 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Grants for the preparation for selection competitions 2965636 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Grants for the preparation of selective access tests by internal promotion to special bodies and specialities attached to the Ministry of Finance and the State Tax Administration Agency (AEAT). 772732 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Grants for the preparation of technical projects for the maintenance of monuments 3156018 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Guarantee and payment: Authorisation of a comprehensive guarantee (including reductions and exemption). 203544 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Guarantee and payment: Authorisation to defer duties payment (no single operation) 2249757 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Human Resources-related appeals and claims. 997810 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Hydrocarbon surface fee. 201187 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
IAE (Tax on Economic Activities). Declaration of registration, modification or removal from the tax on economic activities and communication of net revenues for the purposes of the tax on economic activities (procedure with the Tax Agency). 996978 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Identification labels. 998292 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Import 997916 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Incidences in procurement within the Tax Agency. 998287 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Incidences in recruitment within the scope of the Fleet of the state 287844 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
INCOME TAX. Data verification/limited verification. Special system applicable to workers posted to Spanish territory. (Form 151. For taxpayers who opted for this system after 1 January 2015). 1286261 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Informal appeal 223862 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Information on the processing of personal data 750604 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Information on the processing of personal data of the interested party 3017141 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Information returns. Verification of data / Limited verification. 203597 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Inspection sanctioning procedure. 997858 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Instancia general 3163750 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Institute for Fiscal Studies Virtual Campus 998036 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Internal reporting channel Law 2/2023 (reporting of offences by personnel serving in the Ministry of Finance) 3017548 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Intrastat Procedures 997917 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Inventory of state public sector, regional and local government bodies configured as a public administrative register. 225040 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Investigation of goods and rights that presumably are part of state-owned assets 181010 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
IRPF (Personal Income Tax). Data verification / limited verification. 997920 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
IRPF (Personal Income Tax). Data verification / limited verification. Special system applicable to workers posted to Spanish territory. (Form 150. For taxpayers who opted for this system before 1 January 2015). 998615 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
IRPF (Personal Income Tax). Declaration of reduction of net income on activities in objective evaluation due to fires, floods, subsidence or other exceptional circumstances 998562 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
IRPF (Personal Income Tax). Refund Refund procedure - I. Special system applicable to workers posted to Spanish territory. (Form 150. For taxpayers who opted for this system before 1 January 2015). 998616 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
IRPF (Personal income tax). Regularisation due to failure to file. 998186 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
IS. Data verification / Limited verification. 997972 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
IS. Data verification / Limited verification. Groups. 998043 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
IS. Refund. Refund procedure 997988 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
IS. Refund. Refund procedure. Groups 997987 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
IS. Registration in the Treasury's Special Registry for Temporary Joint Ventures 997931 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Issuance and endorsement of T2L document. 200484 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Issue of monthly and annual sales reports. 995121 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Issue of payment letters by the Land Registry General Directorate. 201239 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
IVA. Libros registro de IVA. SII. 220294 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
IVMDH Wealth Liability Claims 215004 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Limited data verification procedure for customs declarations. 202368 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Limited verification procedure by excise tax management offices 998100 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Limited verification procedure, customs and excise audit actions 998101 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Liquidaciones Tasa Airef 223860 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Liquidation of boards of Houses the civil service 2409967 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Local Authorities Financing Fund. 3055794 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Adjustment Plan procedures. 688026 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Analysis and studies on financing and financial measures. 3153526 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Authorisations for debt operations. 991990 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Authorisations of sureties and other guarantees. 3056101 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Average period of payment to suppliers. 999238 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Budgets 688007 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Cash advances. 991543 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Economic and financial information. 687981 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Implementation of the Budgetary Stability and Financial Sustainability legislation 1017703 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Inventory of the local public sector. 993894 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Local Authorities Risk Information Centre (CIR local) 991993 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Management of the Local Financing System. 998145 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Subcommittee of the National Commission for Local Government and other bodies. 3153527 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Tax benefits and the corresponding local taxes 991491 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Tax rates, indexes and coefficients. 991986 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities The deduction of the state's share of taxes for the satisfaction of debts owed to public creditors. 991541 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities The distribution of centrally managed local taxes 991534 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities This is the Financial Sustainability Report on new competencies in financial supervision of the Ministry of Finance. 687712 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities This report details appointments and dismissals of civil servants in local administrations, with the relevant national authorisation. 3153322 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities Trust bodies 687714 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Authorities. Study and report on draft budgets 687983 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Local Governments. Compensation. Loss of revenue from the Tax on Production, Services and Imports (IPSI) in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla. 991517 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Low Value Declaration. Exemption from customs duties and VAT for consignments of negligible value 997742 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Management of Agreements 215019 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Management of contracts based on framework agreements and specific contracts of dynamic purchasing systems. These contracts are declared as centrally procured. 991758 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Management of non-structured information requests 212887 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Management of public sector employees. 202301 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Management of the CIE-Notific@ Agreement 2277257 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Management of the State's fleet of vehicles services 212157 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
MINERVA: Análisis de riesgos de conflicto de interés 3014382 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Mining surface fee. 201188 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 036. Censo de empresarios, profesionales y retenedores - Declaración censal de alta, modificación y baja. 996998 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 040. Registros de Operadores de Plataforma. 3048309 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 172. Declaración informativa sobre saldos en monedas virtuales 3029264 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 239. Declaración informativa de mecanismos de planificación fiscal en el ámbito del AMAC sobre intercambio automático relativo a los mecanismos de elusión del estándar común de comunicación de información y las estructuras extraterritoriales opacas 3116488 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 281. Declaración informativa trimestral de operaciones de comercio de bienes corporales realizadas en la Zona Especial Canaria sin que las mercancías transiten por territorio canario. 3034211 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 379. Declaración informativa sobre pagos transfronterizos 3036670 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 592. Declaración-Liquidación Impuesto especial sobre los envases de plástico no reutilizables. Autoliquidación 2980967 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 593. Impuesto sobre el depósito de residuos en vertederos, la incineración y la coincineración de residuos. Autoliquidación 2986143 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 718. Impuesto temporal de Solidaridad de las Grandes Fortunas. 3021784 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 721. Declaración informativa sobre monedas virtuales situadas en el extranjero 3029263 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 792. Autoliquidación de la aportación a realizar por los prestadores del servicio de comunicación audiovisual televisivo y por los prestadores del servicio de intercambio de vídeos a través de plataforma de ámbito geográfico estatal o superior al de una Comunidad Autónoma. 2986039 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 793. Pagos a cuenta de la aportación a realizar por los prestadores del servicio de comunicación audiovisual televisivo y por los prestadores del servicio de intercambio de vídeos a través de plataforma de ámbito geográfico estatal o superior al de una Comunidad Autónoma. 2986040 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 795. Gravamen temporal energético. Declaración del ingreso de la prestación 2981247 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 796. Gravamen temporal energético. Pago anticipado 2981248 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 797. Gravamen temporal de entidades de crédito y establecimientos financieros de crédito. Declaración del ingreso de la prestación. 2981249 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo 798. Gravamen temporal de entidades de crédito y establecimientos financieros de crédito. Pago anticipado. 2981250 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modelo A22. Impuesto especial sobre los envases de plástico no reutilizables. Solicitud de devolución. 3014391 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Modification of project activity. Regional Incentives. 993319 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Motion for reversal against Customs and Excise decisions 998014 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Motion for reversal against the declaration of prescription of the refund right. 998031 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Motion for reversal of Audit settlements. 998016 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Motion for reversal of Collection decisions. 998030 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Motion for reversal of Tax Management decisions. 998015 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
My documents awaiting signature 2311238 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Natural person certificate of the Spanish Mint (FNMT) 991968 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Non-compliance procedure. Regional Incentives. 993318 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Non-profit organisations Law 49/2002. Presentation of annual financial report. 200432 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Non-resident income tax. Data verification / limited verification. 997980 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Non-resident income tax. Refund. Refund procedure. 998028 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Non-tax revenue. Model 069. Procedures. 210417 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Non-tax-related complaints 2094293 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Notification of movement of goods in temporary storage (G5) 2844307 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Notification of submission of low value goods (G3) 2844308 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Notification so that a party not established within the European Union may store and/or issue invoices. 998108 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Notifications 998289 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Obligations relating to the arrival and sending of goods: Authorisation of exporter authorised in the country of origin 997689 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Obligations relating to the arrival and sending of goods: Offices authorised for exports. 203658 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Obligations relating to the arrival and sending of goods: Other places (of presentation and/or temporary storage). 203657 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Obligations relating to the arrival and sending of goods: Temporary storage facility. 203656 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Obtaining tax certificates for third persons. Business activities tax. 200307 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Obtaining tax certificates for third persons. Personal Income Tax. 200236 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Obtaining tax certificates of third parties. Stay up to date with tax obligations. 998762 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Offsetting. Offsetting ex officio. 992013 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Offsetting. Offsetting upon request. 992011 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)
Online Bookshop 750554 Internet-based formalities (Open in new window)