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Administrative Procedures

General Information


Administrative demarcations

Type of procedure/service
Economic and Asset Management
SIA code

Denial of property and tagging of assets of the State.

Body responsible for the procedure
Directorate-General for State Assets (E00126605)

General information on the procedure/service

Instigating party
  • Oficio
Recipient office
  • Citizen
  • Business
  • Administration
  • None
Deadline for resolution

18 Month(s)

Administrative silence office
Competent bodies
  • In real estate property of the AGE, the delegate of economy and finance, by delegation from the Minister of finance
  • In state-owned public services buildings, the head of the respective ministerial department
  • In the case of assets belonging to public bodies and of those attached to these, responsibility lies with their presidents or directors
End of procedure
  • The resolution for the fixing of boundaries may be contested through the administrative proceeding due to procedural irregularities. Name of the appeal: Contentious-Administrative appeal Body: Contentious-Administrative Court Deadline for appealing: 2 months after publication
  • Opt appeal for review by the incumbent of the department (demaniales), the president or Director of the public agency (property or seconded) or the minister of finance (property). Run: a month
Basic Regulations
  • Ley 33/2003, de 30 de noviembre, del Patrimonio de las Administraciones Públicas, Boe nº 264 de 4 de noviembre.
  • Orden HAC/134/2021, de 17 de febrero, de delegación de competencias y por la que se fijan los límites de las competencias de gestión presupuestaria y concesión de subvenciones y ayudas de los titulares de las Secretarías de Estado
  • RESOLUCIÓN de 7 de julio de 2005, de la Dirección General del Patrimonio del Estado, por la que se delegan determinadas competencias en órganos y unidades administrativas del Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda
  • Real Decreto 1373/2009, de 28 de agosto, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento General de la Ley 33/2003, de 3 de noviembre, del Patrimonio de las Administraciones Públicas. BOE 226 de 18 de septiembre.
Place of submission
  • Any of the registers and offices referred to in article 16.4 of Act 39/2015 of 1 October, notwithstanding the provisions set out in Fourth Temporary Provision of said Act.
Stages of procedure
  • Agreement on Initiation, Instruction and Resolution. In accordance with Article 52 of Law 33/2003, of 3 November, on the Assets of the Public Administrations
URl for online processing
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Requisitos identificación personas físicas
High: Electronic DNI, other recognised certificated in HW format, with the certification of a qualified certification body.
Requisitos identificación personas jurídicas
High: Electronic DNI, other recognised certificated in HW format, with the certification of a qualified certification body.
Identification system(s)
  • Electronic DNI
  • Digital certificate
Integrado en Clave
Practica notificaciones
  • Postal
  • Electronic notification by means of Electronic Submission
  • Electronic notification by means of Enabled E-mail Address
  • Electronic notification by means of Roads Authority E-mail Address
  • Publication for notification purposes
Sujeto a tasas
Level of interactivity
Level 4: Online procedure

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Links to important information of the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service

Online Office (Open in new window)Economico financial database (Open in new window)Open GovernmentTransparency Portal Logo (Open in new window)Public Participation in Regulation Proposais