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The Taxpayer Protection Council

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"The Council for the Defence of the Taxpayer will have the legal nature of a collegiate body of the State Administration, integrated in this Ministry and attached to the State Secretariat of Finance."

(Article 2 of Royal Decree 1676/2009, of 13 NovemberOpen in new window, which regulates the Taxpayer Protection Council)

(Article 2.6 of Royal Decree 682/2021, of 3 AugustOpen in new window, which develops the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Finance and Public Function and amends Royal Decree 139/2020, of 28 January, which establishes the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments).

"...The Taxpayer Protection Council shall ensure the effectiveness of the taxpayers' rights, deal with complaints arising from the application of the tax system performed by the State bodies and make the relevant suggestions and proposals, in the form and with the effects foreseen in the regulations."

(Article 34.2 of General Act 58/2003, of 17 December, on TaxationOpen in new window)

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