Procedimientos/Servicios | Código SIA | Tramitación Telemática |
Change of project location. Regional Incentives. | 993317 | |
Change of project ownership. Regional Incentives. | 172550 | |
Changes of less than 10% to projects. Regional Incentives. | 172520 | |
Changes of over 10% to projects. Regional Incentives. | 172510 | |
Extension of project period. Regional Incentives. | 172560 | |
MINERVA: Análisis de riesgos de conflicto de interés | 3014382 | |
Modification of project activity. Regional Incentives. | 993319 | |
Procedure for repayment of Subsidies received from European Funds | 998009 | |
Request for Regional Incentives subsidy | 993174 | |
Request to settle subsidy. Regional Incentives. | 993320 |