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How to take part in a General State Administration selection process

Both announcements of access to public employment of the State Administration and the monitoring of same can be done through the website of the hiring body and through the General Access Portal (administracion.gob.esOpen in new window). In the latter, a participation form must be completed for internet selection processes and may be submitted electronically along with payment the corresponding examination fees

What is the application form and how can it be obtained?

The application form is called "modelo 790"

Applications should preferably be submitted electronically. The announcement may require presentation of same by electronic means in the terms provided for in the applicable legislation.

The electronic submission of the application shall be made using the Registration service on Selective Testing Processes at the General Access Point ( in new window), following the instructions provided. It shall be necessary to identify oneself using the identification platform and Cl@ve electronic signature in any of its forms

This form of submission will allow:

  • Registration in line with the official model.
  • Attachment of documents to the request.
  • Electronic payment of fess.
  • Electronic registration of the request.

Requests on paper shall be made by completing and submitting the official model electronically ( in new window) and subsequently presenting it at the General Registry of the hiring Ministry or as established in Article 16 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administrations.

Applications must be submitted electronically using the official model, which may be accessed, in general, through the General Access Point at the following URL: http: //, or the electronic files for the processing or registrations of candidates in the selection process established.

Applications from overseas may be processed through diplomatic offices or Spanish consulates. These must be accompanied by a bank receipt as proof of payment of the corresponding examination fees to the current account provided in each announcement.

What is the term for presenting this request?

The term of the presentation of the request shall be 20 working days from the day following the date of publication of the announcement in the Official State Gazette.

How is the application completed?

Every announcement includes the specific instructions for completing each of the fields included on the form.

What documentation must I submit with the application?

In general, only the duly completed application form must be submitted along with proof of payment of the fee.For State Administration processes with a merit phase, the merits of same will be accredited through certification issued by the employment services of the Ministries or Bodies where they have provided or not provided their services in accordance with the model in the corresponding attachments of the announcement. But certification must only be submitted within the term of twenty working days from the day following publication of the list of candidates who have passed the examination phase.

In the case of civil servants active in the State Administration in the Body or on the Scale from which they participate in the process or non-established public employees of the Single Collective Agreement of the State Administration, where the evaluation of other merits that do not appear in the Central Personnel Registry is not required, the submission of this certificate may be a consultation on the part of the Administration of the data in same, which shall be those to be taken into account in the evaluation of the merit phase. The candidate must state their agreement with the information that appears in the file in the Central Personnel Registry through the annex that appears in the specific corresponding announcement. The candidate must check the information in their file through the automatic export of a report on their personnel file in the Funciona intranet portal.

Do I have to pay examination fees?

Every announcement shall specify the sum of examination fees.

The following persons shall be exempt from payment of this fee:

  1. Persons with a degree of disability equal to or in excess of 33 percent, accompanying the application with the certificate accrediting such condition.

    It is not necessary to present this certificate when the condition of disability has already been recognised by one of the Autonomous Communities that appear at in new window. In this case and subject to the agreement of the interested party, the managing body may verify this condition by accessing the Public Administration Data Intermediation Platform offered through the Selection Process Inscription service.

  2. Persons registered as jobseekers for at least one month prior to the date of the announcement. To be granted the exemption, such persons must not have rejected any offer of appropriate employment in said term nor have rejected participation, except where duly justified, in promotional, training and professional reconversion activities and where their monthly income is less than the minimum inter-professional salary.

    These grounds must be verified, in all cases except where express opposition is expressed by the interested party, by the managing body through accessing the Public Administration Data Intermediation Platform offered through the registration service in Selection Processes.

    Where consent is not given, certification of jobseeker status, with the indicated requirement, must be sought in the public employment services office. In terms of accreditation of income, this shall be provided in the form of the certificate of the self assessment income tax declaration, corresponding to the last fiscal year and, where necessary, the income level certificate.

  3. Large families, under the terms of Article 12.1c) of Law 40/2003, of 18 November on the Protection of Large Families. Members of special category families shall have the right to an exemption of 100 percent of the fees and those in the general category to a subsidy of 50 percent. Large family status is accredited through the corresponding updated certificate.

    Presentation of the large family certificate is not necessary where it has been obtained in one of the Autonomous Communities included at in new window. In this case, and except where expressly opposed by the interested party, the managing body may verify this status by accessing the Public Administration Data Intermediation Platform.

  4. Victims of terrorism, understood as persons who have suffered physical or mental damage as a result of terrorist activities and can verify same by a judicial decision or by virtue of an administrative resolution recognising such condition, their spouse or partner with whom they have cohabited in an analogous relationship, the spouse of the deceased and the children of the wounded and deceased.

    The payment of examination fees or, where applicable, proof of any of the grounds for full or partial exemption must be made within the term for the submission of applications. Otherwise, the candidate will be excluded.

    Under no circumstances shall payment of the examination fees or proof of any of the grounds for full or partial exemption from same be considered valid in place of the submission, in the correct time and manner, of the application to participate in the selection process.

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