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Open data

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The reuse of information in the Ministry. 

Open data provides you with access to public information resources generated by units of the Ministry for reuse.

The Ministry Open Data initiative is governed by the Plan of measures to promote the reuse of information of the Ministry of FinanceAbre nueva ventana (PDF approx. 1 MB), applicable to all units of the Department. This Plan is automatically extended. The public bodies that form part of the Ministry are authorised to develop their own reuse plans, and to generate and make use of their respective web spaces.

The legal framework governing open data is as follows:

Conditions of reuse

The Ministry has opted for the basic method for making the data available, not subject to specific conditions (Article 8.1 of Royal Decree 1495/2011 of 24 October).

The following general conditions shall apply in relation to the use of reusable datasets:

  • The content of the information must not be altered.
  • The meaning of the information must not be distorted.
  • The source of the reused data and documents must be cited.
  • The date that the data was last updated must be mentioned, whenever this information is stated in the original source.
  • At no time should it be indicated, insinuated or suggested that the Ministry or any of the bodies that comprise it, participate in, sponsor or support the particular reuse of the data.
  • No alterations should be made to the metadata on the date the dataset was updated and the conditions of reuse applicable in each case.

In exceptional cases, and with due justification, the methods provided for in Art. 4.1, paragraphs b) and c) of Law 37/2007 of 16 November may be applied to the reuse of certain documents and datasets. These are as follows:

  • The reuse of documents made available to the public, subject to the conditions established in standard licences.
  • The reuse of documents on request, in accordance with the procedure established in Article 10, incorporating conditions established in a license in these cases.

The conditions for reuse can be consulted in the legal notices of "Datos.gob.esAbre nueva ventana", of the Portal and of other reuse web spaces offered by the Ministry.

Open data catalogue

You can access the resources made available for reuse by the Ministry via the open data catalogue. They can also be accessed through the Catalogue of public information "Datos.gob.esAbre nueva ventana".


If you have searched the open data catalogue and have not been able to find what you are looking for, you can:

  • Search other reuse spaces within the Ministry.
  • Ask if there are other information resources that are not included in the catalogue which may be reused. To do this, please contact usOpen in new window.
  • Find the reusable information repositories. To do this, please consult our directory.
  • Submit complaints and suggestionsAbre nueva ventana (digital certificate required).
  • If you are aware of the existence of an information resource that is not available in electronic format or which, in principle, is not reusable due to a specific provision, and you are interested in this information resource, you can file a public information​ reuse requestAbre nueva ventana (digital certificate required); more information on this procedure is available, if required.
  • Register like user to be warned of the changes that realise in the channel.

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Links to important information of the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service

Online Office (Open in new window)Economico financial database (Open in new window)Open GovernmentPublic Participation in Regulation ProposaisTransparency Portal Logo (Open in new window)