It should be noted that for the purposes of the text that follows the expression "public procurement" or "public procurement procedures" should be comprehensevely read as including all award procedures subject to Law 9/2017, of 8th November, on Public Sector Contracts, transposing Directives 2014/23/EU and 2014/24/EU, of 26 February 2014, of the European Parliament and the Council into Spanish law; Royal Decree-Law 3/2020, of 4th February, on urgent measures transposing into Spanish law various European Union directives in the field of public procurement in certain sectors; private insurance; pension plans and funds; taxation and tax litigation; and Law 24/2011, of 1st August, on public sector contracts in the fields of defence and security.
Furthermore for the purporses of the text that follows the expression “Trade and Cooperation Agreement” should comprehensevely read as referred to the Agreement reached by the European Union and the United Kingdom on the 24th December 2020.
Conforme al artículo 126 del Acuerdo de Retirada, el periodo de transición finalizará el próximo 31 de diciembre de 2020, momento a partir del cual dejará de ser de aplicación en contratación pública el acervo comunitario.